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Theatre and Music

Bloc 2 - British Theatre


Belonging to a period other than that being portrayed.
Before making people talk at the same time, people used to say short things and answer fast, a kind of ping-pong.

Ancient Greece’s masks represent many facial expressions. We scand what we put in sentences. The rhythm is based on the accent we put.

Debbie Tucker Green uses text to create musicality as in "Random".

A retenir :

The sounds that Theatre makes add to the musicality of the text.

Music creates aesthetic reactions. It can be a little bit tricky. The chorus can be the voice of faith, the Gods, a prophecy, a voice from another world. The effects are anachronistic.

Characters talking at the same time show a chemistry. Our reception and hearing are unique, and it deconstructs that there's only one meaning in plays. It is the case with Karell Churchill's play: "Love and Information".


Theatre and Music

Bloc 2 - British Theatre


Belonging to a period other than that being portrayed.
Before making people talk at the same time, people used to say short things and answer fast, a kind of ping-pong.

Ancient Greece’s masks represent many facial expressions. We scand what we put in sentences. The rhythm is based on the accent we put.

Debbie Tucker Green uses text to create musicality as in "Random".

A retenir :

The sounds that Theatre makes add to the musicality of the text.

Music creates aesthetic reactions. It can be a little bit tricky. The chorus can be the voice of faith, the Gods, a prophecy, a voice from another world. The effects are anachronistic.

Characters talking at the same time show a chemistry. Our reception and hearing are unique, and it deconstructs that there's only one meaning in plays. It is the case with Karell Churchill's play: "Love and Information".