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THE GREAT WAR (1914-18)



Allies :
UK, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan and the USA
Central Powers :
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Ottoman Empire
1909-1913 : Dollar Diplomacy
financial stability of a region while protecting and extending the U.S commercial and financial interests
Great Migration :
push and pull factors, largest movement of people in USA ; migration from south areas to urban north areas between 1916-70 ; 6 million AA => economic opportunities
League of Nations :
first worldwide intergovernmental organisation whose principal mission was to maintain world peace ; oversee world affairs + prevent future wars created after WW1
1914 : Ludlow massacre
mass killing perpetrated by anti-striker militia during Colorado Coalfield War attack on sticking coal miners and their families
1914 : Marcus Gravey
Black Nationalism, founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Association ? celebration of African history and culture
1920 : 19th amendment
guarantees all American women the right to vote => marked one stage in women's long fight for political equality
1919-20 : Palmer Raids
targeted Italian and Eastern Jewish immigrants, series of raids to capture and arrest suspected socialists
1919-1947 : Red Scare
promotion of a widespread fear of a potential rise of communism ? first one after WW1 and second one after WW2
1904 : "Roosevelt Corollary"
addition to the Monroe Doctrine US would intervene as a last resort ti ensure that other nations in Western Hem fulfilled their obligations to international creditors

Henry Cabot Lodge : American diplomat and republic senator, he supported imperialist endeavours and favoured military preparedness following the outbreak of WW1, close friend to Theodore Roosevelt + he was considered for Eisenhower vice-presidency


1018 : the 14 points by Winston Churchill
statement of principles for peace was to be used for peace negotiations to end WW1 ? ensure world peace in the future
1919 : Treaty of Versailles :
peace treaty that brought WW1 to an end, controversial armistice treaty in history "war guilt" clause that forced Germany and other Central Powers to take all the blame for WW1 => loss of territories, reduction military forces, reparation payments to Allies Powers
1914 : UNIA (Universal Negro Improvement Association) :
dedicated to racial pride, economic self-sufficiency for AA, redeem Africa from white rule, founded by Marcus and Amy Garvey
January 1917 : Zimmerman telegram
secret diplomatic communication issued from the German Foreign Office ? Germany promised to help Mexico recover territory it had lost during the 1840s (Texas, New-Mexico, California, Arizona)
1917 : Selective Service Act
allowed the federal government to raise a national army for service in WW1 through conscription

The Great War was an international conflict that began on 28 July 1914 and ended on 11 November 1918. It involved much of Europe as well as Russia, the USA and Turkey and was also fought in the Middle East, Africa and parts of Asia. One of the deadliest conflicts in history, an estimated 9 million were killed in combat, while over 5 million civilians died from occupation, bombardment, hunger or disease. The genocides perpetrated by the Ottomans and the 1919 Spanish flu pandemic spread by the movement of combatants during the war caused many millions of additional deaths worldwide.

A retenir :

Key dates :

28 June 1914 : Archduke Francis Ferdinand is assassinated.

July 1914 : Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, beginning World War I

August 1914 : Austria-Hungary invades Russia

February 1915 : Germany begins naval blockade of Great Britain

May 1915 : Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary

February 1916 : Germany begins the attack on Verdun

April 1917 : The United States declares war on Germany

December 1917 : Russia signs armistice with Germany

January 2018 : President Wilson presents to Congress his 14 Points required for peace

11 Novembre 1918 : Germany signs the Armistice at Compiègne

January 1920 : Treaty of Versailles takes effect


THE GREAT WAR (1914-18)



Allies :
UK, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan and the USA
Central Powers :
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Ottoman Empire
1909-1913 : Dollar Diplomacy
financial stability of a region while protecting and extending the U.S commercial and financial interests
Great Migration :
push and pull factors, largest movement of people in USA ; migration from south areas to urban north areas between 1916-70 ; 6 million AA => economic opportunities
League of Nations :
first worldwide intergovernmental organisation whose principal mission was to maintain world peace ; oversee world affairs + prevent future wars created after WW1
1914 : Ludlow massacre
mass killing perpetrated by anti-striker militia during Colorado Coalfield War attack on sticking coal miners and their families
1914 : Marcus Gravey
Black Nationalism, founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Association ? celebration of African history and culture
1920 : 19th amendment
guarantees all American women the right to vote => marked one stage in women's long fight for political equality
1919-20 : Palmer Raids
targeted Italian and Eastern Jewish immigrants, series of raids to capture and arrest suspected socialists
1919-1947 : Red Scare
promotion of a widespread fear of a potential rise of communism ? first one after WW1 and second one after WW2
1904 : "Roosevelt Corollary"
addition to the Monroe Doctrine US would intervene as a last resort ti ensure that other nations in Western Hem fulfilled their obligations to international creditors

Henry Cabot Lodge : American diplomat and republic senator, he supported imperialist endeavours and favoured military preparedness following the outbreak of WW1, close friend to Theodore Roosevelt + he was considered for Eisenhower vice-presidency


1018 : the 14 points by Winston Churchill
statement of principles for peace was to be used for peace negotiations to end WW1 ? ensure world peace in the future
1919 : Treaty of Versailles :
peace treaty that brought WW1 to an end, controversial armistice treaty in history "war guilt" clause that forced Germany and other Central Powers to take all the blame for WW1 => loss of territories, reduction military forces, reparation payments to Allies Powers
1914 : UNIA (Universal Negro Improvement Association) :
dedicated to racial pride, economic self-sufficiency for AA, redeem Africa from white rule, founded by Marcus and Amy Garvey
January 1917 : Zimmerman telegram
secret diplomatic communication issued from the German Foreign Office ? Germany promised to help Mexico recover territory it had lost during the 1840s (Texas, New-Mexico, California, Arizona)
1917 : Selective Service Act
allowed the federal government to raise a national army for service in WW1 through conscription

The Great War was an international conflict that began on 28 July 1914 and ended on 11 November 1918. It involved much of Europe as well as Russia, the USA and Turkey and was also fought in the Middle East, Africa and parts of Asia. One of the deadliest conflicts in history, an estimated 9 million were killed in combat, while over 5 million civilians died from occupation, bombardment, hunger or disease. The genocides perpetrated by the Ottomans and the 1919 Spanish flu pandemic spread by the movement of combatants during the war caused many millions of additional deaths worldwide.

A retenir :

Key dates :

28 June 1914 : Archduke Francis Ferdinand is assassinated.

July 1914 : Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, beginning World War I

August 1914 : Austria-Hungary invades Russia

February 1915 : Germany begins naval blockade of Great Britain

May 1915 : Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary

February 1916 : Germany begins the attack on Verdun

April 1917 : The United States declares war on Germany

December 1917 : Russia signs armistice with Germany

January 2018 : President Wilson presents to Congress his 14 Points required for peace

11 Novembre 1918 : Germany signs the Armistice at Compiègne

January 1920 : Treaty of Versailles takes effect